CaminARTE Tango Fest 2019

05-08 Aprilie 2019

*english below*

Cu mare placere va invitam, in perioada 05– 07 Aprilie, la editia a II a Festivalului de Tango CaminARTE cu invitati speciali Max Van de Voorde y Solange Acosta si Laszlo Budai y Andrea Piriti. Vom avea parte de un eveniment deosebit, cu Tango autentic. Multi dintre noi ii cunosc, le stiu modul simplu si sincer prietenos de a fi, dar si profesionalismul si rigoarea cu care trateaza fiecare tema a seminariilor. Pe cei care nu i-au cunoscut pana acum ii invitam cu mare drag sa ajunga la cursurile lor, de la care cu siguranta vor pleca mai bogati si mai impliniti ca si experienta de Tango.
***Un eveniment organizat de Asociatia Culturala CAMINARTE TODO TANGO, a carei activitate de promovare a Tangoului Argentinian in Romania beneficiaza de sustinerea Ambasadei Argentinei la Bucuresti.

!!! Toate informatiile legate de Festival, program, pachete, tematica, formulare de inscriere, le gasiti pe siteul evenimentului:

Unde? Good Mood Dance Studio, Hagi Moscu Maria, nr. 5, Bucuresti

Va asteptam cu drag si cu mult Tango!!!

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It is our greatest pleasure to invite you between the 5th to the 7th of April, to be part of the 2nd edition of CaminARTE Tango Fest with special guests Solange Acosta y Max Van de Voorde and Andrea Piriti y Laszlo Budai. We will make sure that this event will be at the highest level of quality to measure the outstanding level of professionalism of our guest artists. Lots of us already know them, we know their simple and sincere way of being and at the same time their professionalism and rigorous way of teaching. We invite also the ones who do not know them, to see this opportunity as a precious Tango gift they can offer themselves, as they will surly be richer in their Tango Experience after these seminars.
***An event organised by CAMINARTE TODO TANGO Cultural Association supported in its activity by The Embassy of Argentina in Rumania.

!!! All the info needed about the Festival, schedule, thematic, registration form, you can find on the event website:

See you soon with lots of Tango!!!

Detalii Eveniment

05-08 Aprilie 2019

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