„Drop Pants ,Not Bombs. Break Dance , Not Hearts. Draft Beer, Not People. Make Love, Not War.”
Ecstatic dance este o calatorie muzicala cu dans , intr-un spatiu non verbal ,conceput pt a ne exprima liberi, a dansa salbatic si a ne conecta cu noi insine si cu energia grupului.
Cream un spatiu unde simtindu-ne in siguranta, ii dam voie corpului sa se miste cum vrea, eliberand tensiuni, emotii, stari si totodata explorandu-ne limitele mentale si fizice..fiind total prezenti in moment.
Muzica este f diversa de la usor la puternic, cu Dj live care ne indruma urcand gradat in energie și experimentăm o gamă largă de ritmuri, de la ambient, instrumental, vocal la latin, reggae, tribal ,world& funk, inclusiv house, techno, afro & rock. 🤘🎶🎸
Si mesajul pt TOTI este – varstnici & tineri -el & ea – coordonat sau necoordonat- iubitorii de dans si cautatori- acesta este locul unde sa va dati drumul si sa dansati ca si cum nimeni nu se uita! Este locul unde puteti veni singur sau cu cunoscuti, pe ring suntem toti unul!
Nu necesita experienta de dans.
Orientarile sunt:
-dansam desculti 👣
– nu se vorbeste pe ringul de dans
-fara alcool si alte stimulente
Program :
18.30 -portile sunt deschise, fii binevenit!
19.00 -ceremonie deschidere + exercitii de impamantare si incalzire cu Kinga
19.30 – Ecstatic dance ♡ Make love not war ♡ with Rammon Berlin
21.30 – cooldown cu muzica live ◎ special guest
21.45 -Inchiderea cercului
La final va asteapta din nou gustari & bunatati pt corp & suflet 🙂 🍛🍵🍰
Contributie 35 ron ( exclus mancarea)
Inscrieri prin sms la nr: 0740153228 ( Ecstatic – Nume-prenume)
Ne vedem curand!!💥
English:Ecstatic Dance is a musical journey with dance in a non-verbal space, designed to express freely and connect with ourselves & the energy of the group.We create a space where its safe to allow the body to move as it wants, releasing tensions, emotions, blockages, in the same time exploring our mental and physical limits.
The music is very divers from soft to strong, with a live DJ building up energy slowly. We experience a wide range of rhythms from ambient, instrumental, vocal , to latin ,reggae, world&funk, including house ,techno, afro & rock 🎸
The message for ALL is: elderly& young / coordinated & uncoordinated / dancers&seekers- this is the place to let go and dance like nobody is watching! 👣✨🎶
It does not require dance experience.
-we dance barefoot
-no talking on the dance floor
-no alcohol or other substances
-have consideration for others and respect private space
Time schedule:
18.30 – gates are open, be welcomed!
19.00 – opening ceremony + grounding & warm up with Kinga★
19.30 – Ecstatic Dance ♡ Make love not war with Rammon Berlin
21.30 – relaxing cooldown with live music ◎special guest
21.45 – closing ceremony
At the end we have bits & bites waiting for your body & soul 🙂 🍜🍛🍰
Contribution : 35 ron ( excluding food)
Register with SMS to no: 0740153228( Ecstatic – Name, surname)
See you very soon! 💥