Getting Started in Nonviolent Communication, Workshop for personal transformation with Ian Peatey
This 2 day workshop is a foundation in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), an approach to communication and relationships developed by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, PhD..
During the workshops you will:
- identify ways in which you block communication and how to overcome them
- increase your capacity to maintain dialogue, especially when disagreeing
- learn to speak up for yourself in difficult moments
- hear criticism and judgement without taking it personally.
‘Gettting Started in NVC‘ is for you if you are ready for personal transformation to significantly improve the quality of relationship with yourself and the others in your life. NVC is relevant in all areas of your life including families, intimate relationships, parenting, education, business and community – wherever you are most seeking change.
The workshop covers all the main elements of NVC, including:
seeing more clearly by separating observation from judgement
increasing emotional intelligence
connecting with deeper motivations and needs
clearly asking for what we want
hearing others
focusing concentration and attention.
What to expect
Places are limited to 12 in order to create a safe, supportive environment where you’ll learn through exercises, role play, discussions and from each other. Theory and presentation will be kept short as the aim is for the workshop to be very practical and focus on what works for you.
If you would like to get an idea about NVC before attending then you could do this, for example, by watching this free video presentation with Marshall Rosenberg (19 minutes).
‘Getting Started in NVC’ can be taken on its own or you could use it as a first step in a longer programme that might continue with our intermediate and advanced workshops (‘Integrating NVC’ and ‘Living NVC’). The workshop also counts towards training days for anyone wishing to become a CNVC Certified Trainer.
February 21st to 22nd 2015, Saturday and Sunday 09.30 – 17.30
Bvd. Iuliu Maniu nr. 14, Bl. 13, Sc D, etaj 3 apt. 165, Sector 6, Bucharest. Interfon: 165C
The workshop will be in English.
Trainer – Ian Peatey
Ian is a Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication and studied under Marshall Rosenberg.
He is English and now lives in Bucharest with his wife Monica Reu, and together they run Asociatia Pentru Comunicare Non-Violenta (
Find out more about Ian HERE
The price for this workshop is RON 475.To register for the workshop please click here – we will confirm your place when we get your payment.
Opțiuni de plată (RON 475)
Bank transfer
Asociatia Pentru Comunicare Non-Violenta
Cod fiscal: 23665402
IBAN: RO23RZBR0000060010185464, Raiffeisen Bank Baba Novac
Detalii Eveniment
26-27 Septembrie 2015
Ora incepere:
Ora terminare:
Detalii Locație
Asociatia pentru Comunicare Non-violentă
Strada Bucovina nr. 1A, bl. L10, ap. 49