Crezi ca poti sa fii spion in probabil cel mai mare joc real din Romania?
for english please see below
Crezi ca poti sa fii spion in probabil cel mai mare joc real din Romania?
„Feels like AMAZING RACE meets ORIENT EXPRESS in a SPY MISSION…” – Sherlock
* probabil cel mai mare real life game din România – o misiune de spionaj ce include un tren real în mișcare (bilete de tren sunt incluse)
* peste 4,5 ore de aventura, care încep și se termina în CLUJ
* un mix artizanal de escape rooms, treasure hunt, urban challenges si murder mystery, inclusiv actori live, site-uri criptate, mesaje codate etc. intr-o imbinare de online si offline
Pret: 149 lei per persoana
Pret familie: 2 adulti + 1 sau 2 copii (10-17 ani) – 349 lei per familie
plata online 100% secure, in avans – bilete de tren incluse!
PS. Info suplimentare:
* O echipa este formata din 4 – 8 persoane, iar echipele de 1-3 participanti vor fi alaturati altor echipe;
* Persoanele sub 18 ani vor fi in echipa cu minim un adult
* Inscrierile se incheie cu 2 zile inainte de fiecare eveniment
* Pentru intrebari suplimentare sunati in centrala la 0720901496 si cereti cu agentul Smith;
Do you think you can be a spy in probably the biggest real game in Romania?
„Feel like AMAZING RACE meets ORIENT EXPRESS in a SPY MISSION …” – Sherlock
* Probably the biggest real life game in Romania – a spy mission involving a real train in motion (train tickets are included)
* over 4.5 hours of adventure, beginning and ending in CLUJ
* a hand-crafted mix of real life escape rooms, amazing races, treasure hunt, urban challenges and live shows
* a hancrafted mix of escape escape rooms, treasure hunt, urban challenges & murder mystery, including actors live, encrypted sites, messages, codes etc. in a mix of online si offline
Price: 149 lei per person
Family price: 2 adults + 1 or 2 kids (10-17 y.o.) – 349 lei per family
100% secure online payment, in advance – train tickets included!
PS. Additional Info:
* A team is made up of 4-8 people and teams of 1-3 participants will be joined by other teams;
* Persons under 18 will be teamed with at least one adult
* Registration ends 2 days before each event
* For further questions call the office at 0720901496 and ask with agent Smith;