Atelierul de pictura se adreseaza tuturor. De la mic la mare, vino sa dai libertate imaginatiei tale, sa te relaxezi si sa te destinzi prin arta.
Ce vom face la atelierul de pictura Feel Like Art?
Vom picta pe tricouri, ne vom relaxa, vom socializa, vom rade si vom da viata imaginatiei noastre.
Tematica: Libera alegere
Acest atelier de pictura se adreseaza: copiilor, familiilor, cuplurilor, prietenilor si nu numai si va fi facilitat de artistul Simona Beres.
Durata atelierului este de 2 ore, timp in care ne vom cunoaste, vom invata si vom da frau liber ideilor prin culoare si forma.
Canvasul va fi o sacosa, pe care noi o punem la dispozitie, la fel si vopseaua si ustensilele pentru pictura.
Pretul este de 59 Ron/ persoana.
Rezervarea locurilor se face prin email la adresa [email protected] sau telefonic la numarul de telefon 0746021308.
Unde? Feel Like Art, Piata Amzei nr 1, Bucuresti
*Locuri limitate.
**Veniti inarmati cu multa voie buna si chef de distractie 🙂
Painting workshop
The painting workshop is for everyone. From small to large, you can give freedom to your imagination, relax and spend quality time through art.
What will we do at the Feel Like Art painting workshop?
We will paint on handbags, relax, socialize, laugh and give life to our imagination.
Theme: free choice
This painting workshop is addressed to children, families, couples, friends and not only and will be facilitated by the artist Simona Beres.
The duration of the workshop is 2 hours, during which time we will get to know each other, learn and give free rein to ideas through color and form.
The canvas will be a bag, which we will make available, as well as paint and tools for painting.
The price is 59 Ron / person.
Reservations of seats are made by email to [email protected] or by phone at the phone number 0746021308.
* Limited places.
** Come armed with a lot of good cheer and fun 🙂