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Teatrul de umbre poate fi considerat prima forma de animatie. Playdate-ul nostru este o experienta creativa care implica oamenii mici in construirea unei lumi magice cu ajutorul hartiei, a luminii si a umbrelor. In prima parte a intalnirii trecem prin mai multe tehnici de decupare a hartiei si ghidam oamenii mici in proiectarea si procesul de creatie al marionetelor si a scenei de teatru.
In cea de-a doua parte a atelierului ne concentram pe partea ludica si explorarea performativa. Combinam piesele confectionate, (re)inventam si exploram jocuri si povesti puse in scena impreuna, ne folosim de luminile colorate puse la dispozitie si invatam modalitati de manuire a siluetelor.
Atelierul este potrivit pentru oameni mici de tot si mai mari un pic, copii care mananca spanac si copii care mananca doar din castronul verde de portelan, copii care deseneaza cu mana stanga pesti-spada si copii care coloreaza cu dreapta palarii, copii care poarta cizme de cauciuc vara si iarna fuste peste salopete de ski, copii cu pietre-n buzunar si copii care salveaza melci, copii cu parul strans in cozi alambicate si copii cu parul valvoi, copii cu multe intrebari si si mai multe raspunsuri, copii cu emotii si trairi si asa si altfel.
Alaturi de: Ana Popescu si Andreea Moraru
Acces: participarea costa 80 de lei pe atelier, iar oamenii mici vor pleca acasa cu un kit format dintr-o scena de teatru de umbre si un set de marionete
Pentru a asigura valabilitatea inscrierii se va achita taxa atelierului pana la data de 9.12.2020
Detalii: https://www.facebook.com/events/203102421351868/
So, we wanted to create a sweet, very sweet dreamy context for children to manifest. Small kids, toddlers, but big ones as well, shy kids, bubbly kids, talkative, silent, energic, static ones too, loners, extra-friendly, kids with pets, kids that are afraid of animals, brave ones, scaresome, all shapes and colors kids are invited and more than welcome to our shadow puppet theatre-making and show.
About the hosts and how we actually met:
I’m a small weight category kinda newish mum, my kid is 3 and I’m definitely stumbling. I cannot help but notice tough, plenty of times as I open my mouth to talk to him, or other kids, magical fairy dust comes out of me, eyes of my ‘public’ get bigger and rounder as we all seem to step into this strange fluffy cotton candy-like territory, hm or maybe not that much pink all over, coz lots of times it feels like I’m on a river or trespassing some sort of fields filled with dangers, tho not that big of a danger, still, unknown, ah yes, unknown and filled with the possibility of danger, but then again, at times it’s just a safe plain but genuinely fun territory. Ah, what I mean is, I do feel very comfortable when I’m with kids, and probably that’s why they feel super comfortable around me too, I think I’m able to create this invisible space for them to just be themselves.
Andreea, on the other hand. Well, Andreea is this secret geek education genius that can help anyone, really any humanoid out there, create something.
She just has this ability to give you direction, clear, clean instructions on how to just do stuff and feel that you really accomplished something. And she’s
really peculiar, I’ve never met anyone like her, so young but such an experienced mother, serious but secretly fun,
paying so much attention but dreaming simultaneously, happy and sad for the same reason, and keeping all things together with such grace and coolness that I most often wonder if she is a real person or just a novel character. A novel character that directs everything without anyone else’s knowledge. I know she’ll
definetly refuse to let me make all these secrets about her public, but I’m just gonna say it anyway. She really knows what she is doing, not just faking it like the rest of us ‘adults’ here.
About our plan:
Well the plan is to slowly teach your kids how to be free, confident, and able.
Finally, about the shadow puppet theater workshop:
Hmm, it’s crafty, not easy, not hard, pretty fun, pretty neat, we’ll help them kids make a small sweet stage and some shadow puppets, some narrative and
dialogue, fancy interactions, light play, up to the point that they’ll be able to stage an entire play on their own and show you how to join in with them after you come pick them up.
Actual technical usefull details:
With: Ana Popescu and Andreea Moraru
Access: participation costs 80 lei per workshop, and the little people will go home with a kit consisting of a shadow theater scene and a set of puppets
In order to ensure the validity of the registration, the workshop fee will be paid until 9.12.2020