Bounty Fair, ediție în aer liber va avea loc în weekendul 8-9 iulie 2017, la Casa Universitarilor Bucureşti (Str. Dionisie Lupu 46, lângă Parc Gradina Icoanei). Teatru interactiv şi ateliere de creatie pentru cei mici, cu varsta peste 3 ani.
☀ Ce vei gasi la Bounty Fair? ☀
?Targ de design romanesc: peste 60 de artisti si branduri romanesti isi expun creatiile spre vanzare, targul devenind sursa ta de shopping de haine si accesorii unicate, dar si de cadouri speciale pentru cei dragi. Brandurile participante:
? 15 ateliere de creatie pentru cei mici, cu varsta peste 3 ani:
? teatru interactiv pentru copii si sesiuni de cantat la instrumente cu copiii
? Ateliere pentru cei mari
? Make-up gratuit, oferit de Yves Rocher
? tombola Bounty Fair, cu premii pe loc, oferite de cateva dintre brandurile participante
? Zona de hamace in padure
? Picnic la iarba verde
? restaurant: mancare gatita, bere si sucuri, limonada si prajituri
? Coffee-Bike România raspandeste aroma cafelei la Bounty Fair
? Butoiul cu inghetata ne recoreste cu aromele sale delicioase
? Selfie foto-corner in foisor
? Expozitie foto in foisor.
- Data: 8-9 iulie 2017
- Program: 10:00 – 20:00
- Locatie: Casa Universitarilor Bucuresti – adresa str. Dionisie Lupu 46 si harta aici:
- Intrare: 8 lei/persoana/zi
- Copiii pana in 14 ani au acces gratuit.
- Biletul include accesul ȋn toate zonele evenimentului: târg, restaurant, ateliere și hamace. Biletul se achită cash, la intrare.
Scopul evenimentului este de a populariza creativitarea şi talentul romȃnesc, de a informa oamenii despre calitatea şi unicitatea produselor lucrate manual, de a susține producția si producătorii autohtoni, dar şi de a crea un mediu de dezvoltare creativă pentru copii şi pentru cei dornici să participe la ateliere. Totodată, Bounty Fair este un eveniment dedicat ȋntregii familii, indiferent de vȃrstă!
We invite you to Bounty Fair#27 – last summer edition, July 8 – 9, 2017, in the beautiful courtyard and garden of the Bucharest University House (Dionisie Lupu Street 46), along with romanian designers, in the middle of nature, with ice cream, lemonade, hammocks and much joy.
The Romanian design fair brings together over 60 artists – which we choose according to their imagination, diversity and innovation, so that you, regardless of style, can find that „something” to express nonverbal personality and passions.
Bounty Fair always brings joy and children, giving them over 15 creative, fun and educational workshops. Each edition has unique workshops (which you will never meet in other editions) and some of the most appreciated workshops that the little ones never sigh.The workshops are permanent during the edition. So come with your little ones and enjoy a family-friendly time.
Bounty Fair, outdoor edition, will take place on the weekend of July 8 – 9, 2017, at the Bucharest University House (46, Dionisie Lupu Street, near Gradina Icoana Park).
The program starts from 10:00 to 20:00, on both days.
Access is based on a ticket of 8 lei/person and children up to 14 years of age have free admission.
The ticket includes access to all areas of the event: fair, restaurant, workshops and hammocks. The ticket pays cash at the entrance.
The purpose of the event is to popularize Romanian creativity and talent, to inform people about the quality and uniqueness of handmade products, to support domestic production and producers, and to create a creative development environment for children and those who want to participate workshops. At the same time, Bounty Fair is an event dedicated to the whole family, regardless of age!
What will you find at the Bounty Fair?
15 creative workshops for children aged over 3
Theater play for children
Hammock area in the forest
Picnic on green grass
Restaurant: cooked food, beer and juices, lemonade and cakes
Coffee-Bike spreads the aroma of coffee at the Bounty Fair
The ice cream bar recites with its delicious flavors
NEW at the Bounty Fair: Selfie photo-corner in the gazebo
Photo exhibition in the gazebo.
Creativity and imagination set in passionate form
Is the ideal shopping place for you! Sometimes you need a little pampering. It’s a good event to come with shopping friends, test clothes and accessories, and redefine fashion style;
You will find hundreds of ideas: gifts with „personality” to offer them with joy and joy. You do not need a special occasion to give them unique gifts to your loved ones.