Saturday Ecstatic Dance * Journey to Synchronicity

Sâmbătă 25 Ianuarie 2020

/// For ENGLISH please SCROLL ///

Celebram, exploram si ne armonizam prin dans
ECSTATIC DANCE – o calatorie care te poate transforma – facilitata de

+ Incalzire ghidata/ Baie de sunet cu instrumente live / Pictura pe piele / Ora in comunitate / Potluck vegan
Patru ore de muzica, miscare si comunitate, in care Ecstatic Dance iti ofera prilejul sa simti…
• energia hranitoare si eliberatoare a dansului
• conexiunea intarita cu corpul tau si cu ceilalti
• increderea sporita in libertatea si autenticitatea ta de exprimare
• vitalitatea pe care o primesti prin miscare complexa si creativa

Pentru a crea un spatiu curat si confortabil pentru toti, te rugam vino fara sa fi consumat alcool sau alti intoxicanti, fara sa porti parfum, lasa pantofii si conversatiile in afara ringului de dans. Ia cu tine o sticla cu apa si daca vrei, haine de schimb si pregateste-te sa transpiri 😉
Vezi pe site-ul nostru Principiile Ecstatic Dance si raspunsurile la intrebari frecvente!

Ecstatic Dance este o forma de meditatie prin miscare libera, care elibereaza cel mai autentic dans din fiecare, generand magie, unitate si energie transformatoare. Incepem cu exercitii simple de incalzire, menite sa ne puna in miscare, sa ne ajute sa ne simtim familiar in spatiu si confortabil unii cu ceilalti, pregatindu-ne pentru calatoria prin dans.

Timp de doua ore, DJ-ul creeaza valuri muzicale lente sau rapide, care ghideaza dansatorii prin diverse trairi si intensitati. Poti sa dansezi asa cum vrei – singur/a sau cu ceilalti, timid sau expansiv, pe podea sau in aer. Ecstatic Dance ofera mediul in care toti si toate sunt binevenite, unde te poti simti in siguranta sa exprimi orice vine la suprafata cand iti pui celulele in miscare.

Esti binevenit indiferent de conditia ta fizica, experienta ta in dans sau starea ta emotionala. Vei intalni pe ringul de dans oameni de toate varstele si aptitudinile, veniti pentru beneficiile minunate ale dansului liber pentru corp, minte si spirit.

Daca nu gasesti locul si oamenii cu care sa dansezi, daca crezi ca nu poti dansa, daca iti simti corpul blocat sau miscarile monotone sau daca, dimpotriva, dansul iti e cel mai firesc mijloc de exprimare , Ecstatic Dance este pentru tine. Aici gasesti libertatea sa te misti cum simti, fara presiuni si mai ales ferit de judecati. Aici suntem cu totii in propriul proces de regasire, descoperire si invatare prin lucru si joaca cu corpul, intr-un mediu in care cultivam constientizarea, respectul si compasiunea.

Pictura pe fata subliniaza frumusetea fiecaruia, ne incurajeaza sa ne uitam mai atent unii la ceilalti, ne inspira sa dam o valoare de ritual dansului nostru. Daca iti place idea, te invitam de la ora 16:00 sa ai timp pentru a-ti decora pielea cu un model unic, colorat si acordat naturii tale, creat de artisti talentati din comunitatea noastra. Esti binevenit/a deja pictat/a 😉

Un colt al salii il amenajam pentru meditatie, creativitate si relaxare. In zona altarului, membrii ai comunitatii pot oferi scurte sedinte de masaj. Tot acolo gasesti hartie si culori, in caz ca te simti inspirat/a sa traduci in plan vizual ceea ce simti sau poate sa-ti consemnezi ideile.

Oferim apa filtrata si ceai cald in timpul dansului, in pahare refolosibile. Poti sa vii cu cana/sticla ta si sa o reumplii acolo. Multumim ca ne ajuti sa cream un eveniment cat mai prietenos cu planeta si sa atingem obiectivul Zero Waste!

Te invitam sa ramai cu noi dupa dans – daca vrei sa impartasesti experienta ta, sa cunosti oameni care iubesc sa danseze la fel de mult ca tine sau sa ne povestesti despre ce te face pe tine sa vibrezi, in timp ce te bucuri de o gustare usoara. Vino cu ceva natural, sanatos si vegan la potluckul comunitatii!
Imparte cu ceilalti si fa-ti prieteni noi!

17:15 Sosire si timp pentru decorare
18:00 Cercul de bunvenit
18:15 Incalzire ghidata
19:00 Calatoria Ecstatic Dance
21:00 Ora in comunitate / conectare & potluck vegan

La intrare:
110 lei / participant

Prin transfer, in avans:
100 lei / participant
80 lei / membru al comunității*

La eveniment, pentru următorul dans:
90 lei / participant

<25 de ani / 70 lei / BEGINNING
zi de nastere / 80 lei / STAR
contribuitor** / 60 lei / TOGETHER

* Reducerea se aplică abonaților la newsletter care se înscriu la eveniment și fac plata cu cel puțin 10 zile înainte de eveniment
** Stai la curent pe pagina evenimentului sau aboneaza-te la newsletter sa afli ce poti face pentru a beneficia de discountul de contribuitor!

Pentru a gestiona un spatiu cat mai comod pentru tine, completeaza, te rugam, formularul de inscriere pe care il gasesti aici:

Ecstatic Dance nu este o experienta gandita pentru copii. Cu toate astea, esti binevenit/a cu copiii tai. Iti cerem insa sa iti asumi intraga responsabilitate pentru intelegerea si respectarea acordului evenimentului de catre copilul tau.
0-11 ani: intrare libera
12-16 ani: 50 lei

Nivelul sunetului este acela al unui eveniment pentru adulti. Te rugam sa protejezi auzul copilului.
De asemenea, iti amintim ca aici imparti spatiul cu altii, asa ca, mai ales in timpul momentelor de liniste (cercuri, relaxarea de la final) e important sa previi orice zgomote. E necesar ca fiecare copil sa fie in grija unui adult responsabil, pe toata durata evenimentului. Multumim pentru contributia ta la a face acest eveniment unul minunat pentru toata lumea ♥

Hermitage. Urban Spiritual Hub
Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 127
Zona Piata Gemeni, in apropierea intersectiei cu Str. Vasile Lascar si Str. Viitorului.
Mijloace de transport: tramvaiele 5, 16, autobuzele 133, 135, toleibuzele 79, 86, autobuzul de noapte N123 – Statia Piata Gemeni

Completeaza, te rugam, formularul de inscriere pe care il gasesti aici:


/// ENGLISH here///

A Regular Dance Practice for Celebration, Exploration and Harmonizing
ECSTATIC DANCE – A JOURNEY of transformation – facilitated by

+ Guided Warm-up/ Live instruments Sound Bath / Body Art / Massage Corner / Community Hour / Vegan Potluck

In 4 hours of music, movement and community, Ecstatic Dance brings the perfect opportunity to feel…
• nourished by the energy of dance
• strengthened in the connection with your body and others
• reassured of your freedom and authenticity of expression
• invigorated after a complex and creative workout

Ecstatic Dance is an Alcohol and Drug free space. Please refrain from wearing perfume, leave your shoes and conversation outside the dance floor. Take a water bottle and changing clothes with you and be ready to sweat 😉
Visit our website for Ecstatic Dance guidelines and FAQ.

Ecstatic Dance is a free form dance meditation that frees the most authentic dance within you, generating magic, unity and transformational energy. We start with simple warm-up exercises meant to get our bodies moving, help us feel familiar within the space and with each other and prepare us for the dance journey.

For two hours, the DJ will create waves of slow and rapid music, guiding the dancers through different intensities. You can dance as you wish, alone or with others, big or small, lying on the floor or jumping in the air. Ecstatic Dance welcomes everyone and everything. We wish to create a safe container where you can feel free to express whatever comes up when you shake up your cells.

You are welcome to join us regardless your experience, your physical or emotional shape. On the dance floor you will be meeting people of all ages and aptitudes who came for the wonderful benefits and nourishment of dance for the body, mind and spirit.

If you can hardly find the place or the people to go dancing with, if you think you can’t dance, if you feel your body stiff or your movements monotonous, Ecstatic Dance is the place for you. Here you can find the freedom to move as you feel like, with no pressures and especially no judgments. We are all here on our own individual process of rediscovery and learning, in an environment where we are cultivating awareness, respect and compassion.

We like face painting because it highlights the unique beauty of everyone, it encourages us to look at each other more closely and it inspires us to give a ritual dimension to our dance. If you like the idea, come starting from 4:00 pm to decorate your skin with unique, colorful and heart resonating designs created by our community’s talented artists.

A corner of our dance hall is prepared for meditation, creativity and relaxation. The altar area of the room is where members of our community offer short massage sessions to help you get in touch with your body. You’ll also find there paper and colors, in case you feel inspired to translate your feelings in a visual way or maybe write down your insights.

We offer free filtered water and warm tea in reusable cups. You can bring your own bottle or cup and refill it there. Thank you for helping us create a gathering that’s friendly with our planet and reach our goals for zero waste events!

We invite you to stay with us after the dance – if you want to share your experience, meet people that love dancing as much as you or tell us what make you feel alive – over a tea and a vegan snack. Bring something yummy and healthy, share with others and make new friends.

5:15 pm – Decorate yourself, enter the space & get comfortable
6:00 pm – Welcome circle
6:15 pm – Warm-up
7:00 pm – Ecstatic Dance Journey
9:00 pm – Community Hour / Connection & Potluck

Pay at arrival:
110 lei / participant

Pay with transfer:
100 lei / participant
80 lei / community member*

Pay for the next event, after the dance:
90 lei / participant

<25 years old / 70 lei / BEGINNING
birthday / 80 lei / STAR
contributor* / 60 lei / TOGETHER

*Discount available for the subscribers to our newsletter which sign-up for the event and pay by transfer, at least 10 days before the event
* *stay in touch with us on the event page or sign up to our newsletter to find out what you can do for getting a contributor’s discount!

>>> Book your spot <<<
Please fill in the registration form you’ll find clicking on the following link

Ecstatic Dance is not an experience designed for children; however, you’re welcome to bring them. We do require you to take full responsibility that your child understands and respects the guidelines of the event, like everyone else.
0-11 years: free dance, 12-16 years: 50 lei

Please keep in mind that the sound levels will be as for an adult event, so it’s necessary to protect your child’s hearing.
Also, please be mindful that you’re sharing the space with others, so during quiet moments (circles, cool down) children must be kept quiet. Every child should be with an attentive adult at all times. Thank you for making this a great event for all! ♥

Hermitage. Urban Spiritual Hub
Str. Mihai Eminescu nr. 127
Between the crossroads with Vasile Lascar and Viitorului Streets, Gemeni Square / Dacia Boulevard area
Transportation: trams 5, 16, buses 133, 135, trolleys 79, 86, night bus N123 – Piata Gemeni Station

To be able to provide a comfortable experience for you we need to know you’re coming, so please fill in the registration form you’ll find clicking on the following link

Detalii Eveniment

Sâmbătă 25 Ianuarie 2020

18:00 - 22:00


Detalii Locație

Hermitage. urban spiritual hub | București



Strada Mihai Eminescu, 127

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